Friday, July 22, 2011

And the process begins

OK, so yesturday our process to adopt began. We went to Downey Side in Sauk Rapids to start our adoptiong process. This seems so sureal. We got tons of good information. Nicole, our case manager is calling about the girl we are hoping to bring into our home. Wayne has had the honor of meeting her...but as we found out, workers are not the best at updating the she may be placed in a permanent home by now. Her siblings have been put into a permanent home. But if that would fall through, we are open to having all three children here. I just hate to see siblings split up...but this also opens doors that makes me want to find another child to call ours. We shall see what God has in store.

We left armed with a stack of 8 pages of papers that ask us personal questions. Questions like, how did your parents raise you? How do you parent? etc...goodness gracious...things that you automatically do, and simply do not put any thought to. So I am am planning to start plugging away on it today. One foot in front of the other. Am thinking I should challenge Wayne to see who finishes first...Any bets on who it will be? I am compairing this to the 90+ hours it took me to finish Hope Blooms tax exempt paperwork for the IRS!

We also need to get 5 of us fingerprinted and pay 70$ for each for a background check.

Take a 16 hour class in September...which also happens to be a fundraiser weekend for Hope Blooms....oh the joys of needing to be double booked. But I think the rest of our stuff should be done by that date, so we are just having to finish our house. And we should be ready to bring a new person into our home...Could be as little as 60 days...Weird is the word of the day...

So amongst this business, we have a huge fundraiser for Aug 7th. Then we are hoping to have a Hope blooms building after that...I guess we will pray for cooler weather so Wayne and I can get busy! HA~

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About Me

Minnesota, United States
I am a wife, mother to five children, 2 cats, 3 dogs. Hoping to be a mother to more children someday through adopting waiting children in Minnesota.