Thursday, March 28, 2013

Loved:Deeper Still

I had the privilege of spending the Season of Lent reading a gentle book on experiencing God. Experiencing His deep love.
I grew up going to Lent Services for six weeks every Wednesday evening. Then we finished strong by Maunday Thursday service and Good Friday Passion Services just before Easter. I feel as if many churches are not celebrating these timeless traditions anymore. What more could you ask for than to reflect back  on why you are forgiven...and know exactly what God sent His one and only Son to do. Priceless....Deeply loved.
I remember singing on Good Friday without an organ playing. Or the times the Pastor would take the Bible on the alter and slam it shut. But in my younger years, I was ready for the Easter Bunny!
In recent years our church still celebrate and remembers these important and necessary days before Easter...often with a Seder Meal on Thursday. And Good Friday...many years ago we started a new tradition. My husband made a huge cross that is placed on the alter.  It is about 8 ft tall...possibly more. Very heavy and filled with nail holes from years past. We simply sit in our chairs during the service. Write out our hearts on a red sheet of paper and nail our sins to the by one....the cross is filled with red. It is awesome to participate in this! My favorite part. It has taught our kids that Jesus really paid it all. It is a practical example of what He did for us.
I wish all Churches would reflect back on these traditions. I wish we could be more simple. I remember a devotion from the Book mentioned above...Deeply Loved, that was titled Simplicity. About half way through the book....Reflections of a simpler life. The older I get the more this means to me. It is hard to not get wrapped up in what the world says we need.
Find a church that celebrates these two important holidays! Revel in the simpler times and find a simpler life!

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About Me

Minnesota, United States
I am a wife, mother to five children, 2 cats, 3 dogs. Hoping to be a mother to more children someday through adopting waiting children in Minnesota.