Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Persevering Through the Tough Days

Today for some reason I am feeling ill equipped for this journey. I think for the most part it is funding. Every adoption has this challenge. So, i was expecting that. We are borrowing funds interest free from a dear friend. Which i am thankful for.  But it is the paying back part that scares me! just being real in the journey!So I am taking some time to look back on this journey to remember the blessings....

Today marks officially 7 weeks from the night we decided to pursue adopting Shadrack. And in one week we are going to meet this sweet boy.

For the most part things have gone pretty well. Communication to Liberia remains a slight frustration. It is at times hard to get a straight answer. But all in all the process has been wonderful. I think we have had just enough time to dream and plan for ways we will care for a blind boy. But we know we are on a journey of a lifetime.

There have been a few comments we have come across that we wanted to address.
1.  Why are we going all the way to Africa when so many children need homes right here?

Well, Wayne and I have pursued adoption from the foster care system. But timing was never right. We had planned for a teen. But Shadrack has been placed in our path. And God is working out the details. So we are trusting in His plan. Not ours. And I would then ask you....why are you not adopting locally.?

2. This is selfish to your current grandchildren.

Adoption is anything but selfish. Wayne and I happen to be passionate about people. We love our hobby farm life. Mixed with jobs of helping people. Our lives are anything but selfish. Shadrack doesn't replace any of our kids. Nor does he replace grand kids. We didn't plan to take on a one year old. But we are. Simply obedience to our Maker. We are living out the Gospel call.

Any other questions? We are not offended. We are aiming to educate and give you some things to think about.

What are your thoughts on adoption? Either physically adopting. Or supporting those that do? It isn't an easy road. Especially with medical needs.


1 comment:

serialadopter said...

We have 11 children - 2 bio and 9 adopted and 3 grandchildren. Most of our children were kids with special needs of some kind and all but one from the US. I saw your story on KSTP tonight and hope that you will soon have Shadrach in your arms again. He is beautiful and his laughter infectious. Blessings.

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About Me

Minnesota, United States
I am a wife, mother to five children, 2 cats, 3 dogs. Hoping to be a mother to more children someday through adopting waiting children in Minnesota.