Saturday, September 27, 2008

Are we done yet?

Well, fall is nearly upon us. I guess as far as the calendar goes, fall is here. We have had unseasonable warm weather. I think starting today, we will have fall weather. That is fine...60's is OK weather. In just under two weeks we head to Florida for a family vacation. So having cooler weather in MN will feel good Florida....

So, I am nearly done with the form 1023, (tax exempt form). I am so excited about that. I just have a few items to finish up, like Bylaws....that is a task in itself. But if I would just sit down and do that. Then get it approved by the other board members, we will be set. It is exciting to think of this form being complete. But what will really be nice is to have it sent in, approved and grant money applied for, accepted then in hand. That means we can actually start Hope Blooms....the physical part of it!

I did contact social Services this week. The foster Care division. I have not heard back from the gal yet. She may have tried to call this week, but didn't leave a message. We will really need to work closely with Social Services, As the people we have living at Hope Blooms will have to be approved by SS.

I believe that is all of the updates I have right now. I truly cannot wait to update with actual news of building progress, and not paperwork progress.....

Until next time

Sunday, September 14, 2008

New Developements

Well, it is fall y'all.....Love spring and fall. In the fall, the days are a bit shorter, the temps stay cooler, and it is nice to go for walks to see the colorful leaves changing. Spring is the same, new colors are blooming, shorter days, and also good for walking after a long winter!

Well, some new developments with Hope Blooms. I started working again on our tax exempt form. Form 1023. This is quite an in depth form. I saved the directions on my computer, and needed to look up a few things on Friday. I came across certain non-profits that are assumed as tax exempt...501(c)(3) status. If we open Hope Blooms as an auxiliary of an existing church, we would be assumed as tax exempt. This would save us $750...time, and we could then start fundraising and seeking grants. The church body we attend has a bigger support system called the "District" Offices. So in Minnesota, this would be Minnesota North District. So tomorrow-Monday- I will be contacting the North District to see what they have to say about this idea of Hope Blooms. Go to if you want more info... It is an exciting time, and beings I really want to have some money in play by next spring to get these homes built, I am hopeful that things will go smoothly.

thanks for checking in....
In His Grip

Thursday, September 11, 2008

What were you doing 7 years ago....

I remember seven years ago, like it just happened a couple of years ago. A day that will never be forgotten. Although I disliked history in school, this IS history, the date I won't forget.

Today is a rainy day, but back in 2001, this day was sunny. My dad was home, two of my children were home, my husband was working on the roof of a house. My cousin was sleeping outside in a camper.

I heard a poem on the radio this morning. It was a poem from God. "I was there on the 23rd floor with......" I was on the ground floor with the Priest who...." It was a very touching poem. Perhaps you have heard it.

In the midst of all the yuck in our lives, where is God? An e-mail that I got explained it as this....

When you are baking a cake their are many ingredients such as
baking soda
baking powder
oil..........These things eaten along are disgusting. But put all together and baked into a delicious cake with a touch of delicious chocolate how good it tastes....
If we didn't endure the disgusting, yuck in our lives, how could we become the beautiful, good deliciousness that God would have us be. My pastor once told me, " I would rather be in the company of someone who has gone through much, than to be with someone who hasn't endured real life." When we go through things, and come out on top, through God's grace, we can then be relate-able for others.

So as you remember 911, a day that is marked in many of our lives, keep united as a nation, in your town, in your church....So others how we can grow in the midst of turmoil. We can all be better people through that.

For now
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About Me

Minnesota, United States
I am a wife, mother to five children, 2 cats, 3 dogs. Hoping to be a mother to more children someday through adopting waiting children in Minnesota.