Thursday, June 25, 2009



to dedicate to the service of God
To choose by or as if by divine intervention

I had a friend recently tell me, after hearing about all God has done for Hope Blooms, that God has anointed HB. You know I never thought about it that way before. I know God has blessed this I knew He would. After all it was His idea. I am just His tool in this.

That said, we are in a bit of a dry spell. God has kept me motivated to accomplish all He has asked me. He has given us amazing press time, and little bits of excitement here and there. Which given my temperament, that is what I needed at the most perfect God timing. But now it has been a few weeks of nothing....that is hard for me....and should I even complain? I think I know the direction He is taking us, but then sometimes I second guess that. So hard.

I am in a Bible Study doing the book called, "What Happens When Woman Say Yes to God?" Radical obedience. HB is radical obedience. The book talks about listening to what God is saying to you is radical in this day and age. So many people, Christians included are is so easy to slip into what the world is telling you. It is a choice of what is right daily, hourly...The book is written by Lysa TerKeurst. The book can be found at I highly reccomend getting this book. It will change your perspective on a few important thoughts in your life...

So for now...Thank you God for allowing me to "dedicate this service to You, and for Your divine intervention" on my road, that is sometimes less traveled. To You be the Glory in this endeavor...forever.

In His Grip


Friday, June 19, 2009

MIA and stuff

It has been a few busy weeks.

Since our story aired on WCCO, we have felt God moving. But it seems like a painfully slow process at the moment. We want the millions now. But recently we have stepped back and are really trying to follow what God is calling us to do. His precence was felt telling us to work on the programing we want to do at HB. I truly felt Him saying I will take care of the big take care of the small stuff. So that is what we are doing. Working on the smaller grants. I don't know what God has planned, but I felt that He was telling me to not worry about that right now.

Our motto verse has been part of James 1:27...take care of widows and orphans in their distress. I came across that verse last fall. Well, this week God has shown me that verse in two different books. I just started a Bible study on a book titled "What Happens When Woman Say Yes to God" Chapter 2 talks about this verse. The second is a book that I am reading Titled "Widows and Orphans" Which also happens to be based in Minneapolis and St. Cloud. The very beginning of this book quotes that same scripture.

Hope Blooms is a huge project. A God size project. We have had people support us to our face, and then we hear them down playing what we are doing. We have had unexpected people send us money to help with the mission of HB. WE have many prayer warriors...i am sure many that we don't even know. the first book I mentioned above talks about modern day listening to God is looked at as Radical..I guess our plans are pretty radical in the view of the world. God has already moved mountains, and I believe this whole idea was His idea, and He will continue to move mountains. We are on the brink of one of those mountains at this moment. There is no reason for us to be where we are State and IRS way. God got us here for His specific purpose. Come Lord Jesus...we are anxious to start helping these children!

Couple links for you to check out search for children on this site....tell me if your heart doesn't break.

also They are doing good things, but they have video listed that talks about adopting waiting children. You may not be called to adopt a waiting child...but do pray about how you can play an important role in the life of a child. Prayer and financial support is so important to many missions. Not just HB.


Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nuggets of Truth

Isaiah 60:21-22 All of your people will do what is right. They will receive the earth forever. They are the plant I have planted, the work of my own hands to show My greatness. The smallest family will grow to a thousand. The least important of you will become a powerful nation. I am the Lord, and when it is time, I will make these things happen quickly...NCV

This verse was pointed out to me by a very good friend. She sent me a text as soon as she read it. This friend has been a huge prayer partner with me. She is supportive, helps put things in perspective. I had just read the verse from Isaiah..cannot remember where at the moment...the day before. The verse goes something like....Your ways are higher than my way, Your thoughts higher than my thoughts...Those verses really hit me when I read them. God has shown us that so much with HB. We couldn't have imagined the things that have happened with HB....Interveiw with Sue and WCCO, The article published in the Citizen...both of these people said they are not finished with us yet. Michele Bachmann interested in what HB is doing for children. The community and friend support. Our family that has donated money. We have gotten $180.00!! That is exciting to us! God has really made this program go fast. It is so hard to sit back and wait for millions of dollars...if 2,000,000 people donated 1$, we could start! But when we look back to less than a year ago starting has happened so fast!

God keeps amazing me!
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About Me

Minnesota, United States
I am a wife, mother to five children, 2 cats, 3 dogs. Hoping to be a mother to more children someday through adopting waiting children in Minnesota.