Tuesday, February 14, 2012


 Phil Moore has written a series called, Straight to the Heart Series, based on each book of the Bible. I was blessed to receive the Revelation book.

I found this book very interesting. I had just completed Beth Moores' Revelation study when this book became available from Kragel Productions. I was thrilled to dig in to Revelation from another perspective.

I love how he brings aspects of Revelation to life. It is a tough book, and has so much packed into it. Moore takes little bite size chunks, writes them into a small chapter. Moore weaves in past and present to help you better understand what such a tough book might be telling you.

Moore has one for each book of the Bible that can be found at www.philmoorebooks.com I think these are something I will keep adding to my growing book library!

I am not paid for my review of books from Kragel Productions. I receive books for free, and read them to review them on my blog!

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About Me

Minnesota, United States
I am a wife, mother to five children, 2 cats, 3 dogs. Hoping to be a mother to more children someday through adopting waiting children in Minnesota.